How do I view the Toll Document Management page?

The Toll Document Management table allows you to view, filter, and export toll documents uploaded to tollogic™..

Navigate to Toll Document Management


To upload and manage your toll transaction documents, click the Toll Documents tab in the top navigation menu.

View Toll Document Management


Here you can upload and store your toll transaction documents such as invoices, statements, and transaction spreadsheets.

You can view the following information in the Toll Transactions table:

  • Status displays the status of an invoice (i.e. Received, In Process, Accepted, or Rejected)

  • Reject Reason displays the reason for rejection of an invoice.

  • Toll Document Name displays the name of a document file.

  • Uploaded Date displays the date on which the document was uploaded.

  • Total Amount displays the total toll amount as per the invoice.

  • Invoice Issuer displays the name of the toll agency or 3rd party who issued the invoice.

  • Invoice Version displays the version number of the invoice.

  • Toll Document ID displays the unique identification number of a toll document generated by tollogic™.

Customize Table View


To show, hide, or rearrange the fields in table view, click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the table. The Change Table View window will appear for you to customize the order and visibility of each field.

To rearrange the fields, click and hold the six dots on the right side of the field, then drag the field up or down.

To hide or show a field in the table, click the rectangular toggle button to the left of the field name. The button will turn green when the field is selected, otherwise it will turn red.

Click the Set to default button to go back to the default table view.

Click Done to save any changes.