How do I view the GPS Tolls dashboard?

The GPS Tolls dashboard allows you to get a quick view of your projected toll charges.

In addition, the dashboard shows details for all GPS-calculated tolls collected by tollogic™, enabling you to estimate future toll expenses.

Note: GPS-calculated tolls are based on the trip data collected using your fleet’s GPS telematics devices and the toll plazas en route. The expected toll amount is calculated based on the vehicle specifications for each toll plaza encountered.

View Month-to-Date Analytics

You can view the total projected toll spend and the estimated current toll spend of your fleet for the current calendar month.

Total Spend MTD


Total Spend MTD is the sum of all GPS-calculated toll transactions from the beginning of the current calendar month to the current date. This number is a projection of how much you have already spent in tolls this month.

Projected Total Toll Spend


Projected Total Toll Spend is an estimated projection of what is to be spent in tolls by the end of the current calendar month.

Total Spend MTD vs Projected Total Toll Chart


The Total Spend MTD vs Projected Total Toll Spend chart combines the two above widgets into one visual. This allows you to keep track of your fleet’s toll spending at a glance.

View Estimated MTD Toll Details


The Estimated MTD Toll Details table displays all GPS tolls for each asset from the first day of the current month to today’s date. These details include:

  • Date shows when exactly the GPS toll occurred.

  • Trip ID is a unique ID generated by tollogic™.

  • Plate displays both the state and number associated with an asset’s license plate.

  • State shows where the toll plaza is located.

  • Facility is the toll highway where the toll plaza is located.

  • Plaza is the name or description of the toll plaza.

  • Tag ID is the toll device ID of the toll transponder.

  • Toll is the GPS toll amount calculated by tollogic™.

View GPS Calculated Tolls Summary

Select a Time Period


Select a time period using the From Date and To Date fields to display the GPS Calculated tolling data for that period. All data below the date selector will adapt to the time frame selected. 

By default, the GPS Calculated Tolls page will show the most recent time period.

View Middle Ribbon

The middle panel of the screen displays several metrics related to the tolling activities of all your assets calculated using GPS telematics and the CL database.



The Totals widget displays the following aggregates for the given time frame:

  • Tolls shows the sum of GPS-calculated tolls in $USD.

  • Trips shows the count of trips taken.

  • Miles shows the total miles travelled in all Trips.

Toll Cost


The Toll Cost widget displays the average amount of tolls spent during the given time frame with respect to both:

  • Per Trip average toll amount spent on a tolled trip.

  • Per Mile average toll amount spent for every mile traveled during a tolled trip.

+Value Toll Trips


tollogic™ compares tolled routes made by your fleet to non-tolled routes calculated by GPS. This comparison establishes whether or not it may be more or less efficient to take a tolled route. Tolled routes that take less time than the non-tolled routes (i.e. taking the tolled route saved time) are aggregated and presented in the +Value Toll Trips widget. The following aggregates are displayed with respect to the selected time frame:

  • Trips shows the count (and percentage) of trips where time was saved by taking a tolled route compared to taking a non-tolled route. This can be seen as the number of trips that saved time by taking a toll road.

  • Tolls are the total tolls spent during trips where time was saved by taking a tolled route.

  • Time Saved is the number of hours saved by taking tolled routes.

Note: The +Value Toll Trips widget includes trips only where there was time saved by taking a tolled route. Non-tolled routes that are faster are not included in this widget’s calculations.



Net Present Value of Time (NPVT) is the average dollar amount spent for every hour saved using toll roads. In other words, this is the average amount being paid in tolls to ‘save’ an hour of drive time.

Note: NPVT is equal to Tolls divided by Time Saved in Value Toll Trips.

View Map


The Map on the GPS Tolls dashboard allows you to view the toll plazas most used by your assets. Orange dots indicate the plazas. Hover over one of the orange dots to display the location (latitude and longitude) and the number of toll trips made by your assets.

Holding the left mouse button down, move the mouse to drag the map left or right or up or down.

Holding down the control key, scroll up or down the map to zoom out or in. You can also click the + or - sign located in the bottom-right corner of the map to either zoom in or zoom out.

View Estimated Trip Summary


This table displays GPS-calculated tolls grouped by trip. Rather than an individual toll, each table line item represents a trip taken by an asset. The table includes:

  • Date is the date the trip started.

  • Trip ID is a unique ID generated by tollogic™.

  • VIN is the asset’s vehicle information number.

  • Toll Cost is the sum of all GPS-calculated tolls for the entire trip.

  • Miles are the GPS-calculated miles traveled.

  • Toll Cost/Mile is the GPS-calculated toll cost for every mile traveled.

  • Time Saved/Spent is time saved or spent on a toll road compared to a n0 toll alternative route. This is based on the alternative route's estimated time of arrival using the actual route's start and end locations. 

    • A negative Time Spent shows that the toll road took longer to travel on than the no-toll alternative route.
    • A positive Time Saved means the toll road saved time compared to the no-toll alternative route. In these instances, it was beneficial to take the toll road.
  • NPVT is the average dollar amount spent for every minute saved using toll roads.

View Estimated All Toll Details


The table displays details for each individual GPS toll for all subscribed assets. These details include:

  • Date is the start date of the trip.

  • Trip ID is a unique ID generated by tollogic™.

  • Plate displays both the state and number associated with an asset’s license plate.

  • VIN is the asset’s vehicle information number.

  • State is the state where toll plaza is located.

  • Facility is the toll highway where the toll plaza is located.

  • Plaza is the location of the toll plaza.

  • Tag ID is the device ID of the toll transponder.

  • Toll is the GPS-calculated toll amount.

Download Records

The GPS Calculated Tolls dashboard offers the option to view any widget or graph in a tabular form. You can also download the widget data to a CSV file.


To download a widget’s data or graph’s data in a CSV file, hover over the widget or graph with your cursor, then click the three vertical dots that appear in the top right.


Select View Summary Data to view the data in tabular form.

Select Export to CSV to initiate a download to your computer.