How do I upload a toll document to tollogic™ through the application?

You can upload your toll documents from the Toll Document Management page.

Once a document has been uploaded, tollogic™ will begin matching toll transactions found on the document to GPS-calculated toll transactions gathered by your telematics devices.

The supported file types include XLSX (Excel), CSV, and PDF.

Navigate to Toll Document Management


Click the Toll Documents tab in the top navigation menu.

Upload Transaction Documents


Click the Add new toll document button located in the top-right corner. You can drag and drop the document onto the file upload dialog box or browse files from your local system’s file directory.

To drag and drop a file, navigate to the folder or directory where your toll document is located, then choose the desired file of the appropriate format (CSV, XLSX, or PDF). Click and hold the left mouse button down to drag and drop the file onto the file upload dialog box.

To locate the toll document from your system files, click Browse files, navigate to the desired folder or directory, choose a file of the appropriate format, and click Open.

Click Done to upload the document.


Once the file is uploaded successfully, a message box will appear to confirm.

Click Continue to finish.

Note: Depending on the volume of transactions, it may take up to 24 hours to process and match the toll transactions to GPS calculations.